
Monday, November 19, 2012

1956 Industry Definitive chemical industry 25¢ Canada

Industry Definitive chemical industry Canada  25¢ 1956

1956 Industry Definitive chemical industry 25¢ Canada    

Text:           25¢ Canada Post
Condition:    Ø = used/cancelled
Title:   Chemical Industry
Face value:     25
Stamp Currency:         cent
Country/area:                     Canada
Year:   1956-06-07
Set:     1956  Industry
Stamp number in set:           1
Basic colour:      Red
Exact colour:      
Usage:                           Definitive
Type:               Stamp
Theme:           Industry, Chemical Industry
Stamp subject:   Chemical Industry
NVPH number:                     
Michel number:         CA 310
Yvert number:                         290
Scott number:                         363
Stanley Gibbons number:    489
Printing office:          
Perforation:    12

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Chemical Industry

Chemical societies first appeared in Canada in 1902 with the McGill Chemical Society, Montréal, and the Canadian section of the Society of Chemical Industry (UK), Toronto. Over 100 people attended the first national conference in Ottawa in 1918, which led to formation of the first national society, The Canadian Institute of Chemistry (1921). The institute amalgamated with other groups in 1945 to form a new national scientific society, The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC). By 1993 the CIC embraced 4500 chemists, 1550 chemical engineers, and 500 chemical technologists. The CIC is an umbrella organization for constituent societies: the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (est. 1966), the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology (est. 1973), and the Canadian Society for Chemistry (est. 1985).

Three separate societies in Ontario, Québec and Alberta represent the nonscientific interests of chemists in provincial matters. Canadian chemists are also well served professionally by a number of journals. The Canadian Journal of Research was founded by the NRC in 1929 to publish original work in all sciences. Later, it was succeeded by several journals serving different disciplines, eg, the Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology and The Canadian Journal of Technology. The latter was transferred to the CIC (and subsequently to the SCLE) in 1956 and renamed the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. The CIC publishes a journal for general chemical news, Chemistry in Canada, which was founded in 1949 and renamed Canadian Chemical News in 1984. See also CHEMISTRY SUBDISCIPLINES.